Al Fadi asks the question above. He gives a lot of Bible verses to show that if we believe in Jesus we have eternal life; 1John 5: 12-13 , John 5: 24, Romans 8:16, just to mention a few. And nothing can separate us from God's love or snatch us out of his hands John 10:29, Romans 8:38,39.  Our salvation is sure as Christian and the scripture proves it ; not so in the Quran or by Mohammad Sura 46:8-9, Sura 10:94.  Not even the Hadith ; Sahih Bukhari vol. 5, book 58, #266 and vol 4, book 51, # 16;  Mohammad was not sure of his salvation or the salvation of his family or any Muslim.  Al Fadi asks the question ; why would you follow someone who doesn't have an assurance of salvation? and says that Jesus is the way, and the life. 

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