Next Episode: The Very Worst of Kings

Sun, December 28, 2008

JSEM Sunday Service

Speaker: Christian Lee

Passage: Romans 8:29-39

The Reformed view of eternal security is called the "perseverance of the saints". The P in TULIP. The idea here is, "Once in grace, always in grace." Another way, "If you have it, you never lose it; if you lose it, you never had it." Our confidence in the perseverance of the saints does not rest upon the saints' ability to persevere. The reason true Christians do not fall from grace is that God graciously keeps them from falling. We persevere b/c God preserves (Phil 1:6, John 10:27-29).

If God preserves the salvation of men, how do we explain those who completely turn their backs on the church (backsliders)? How does a Ted Haggard or a Todd Bentley commit such gross and heinous sins? Don't these examples show that people can "fall from grace" and lose their salvation? Pastor Christian addresses these issues and more regarding this all important doctrine.