This is a special edition of the Southeast Asia Dispatches, the third of six episodes in the Pegasus series that we are co-producing together with KBR. Three episodes will be conducted in English, while three in Bahasa Indonesia, which you can find at Ruang Publik at ⁠⁠⁠⁠.

In our previous two episodes of Pegasus Series, we discovered that we need to push the government to form an investigation team related to Pegasus spyware in Indonesia. This team will also serve as checks and balances for the use of Pegasus and other surveillance tools in Indonesia.

However, until now there has been no follow-up from the government regarding this situation. In 2021, Member of Commission I DPR, Effendi Simbolon, said that Indonesia was indeed using Pegasus. According to him, this tool has long been used by Indonesian intelligence, mainly to deal with terrorism.

On the other hand, the Head of the Technology, Informatics and Communications Division of the National Police, Slamet Uliandi, did not deny the use of zero-click based spyware, but not Pegasus.

In this episode, Gema Gita Persada (LBH Pers) will discuss surveillance regulations in Indonesia, unlawful surveillance, and the role of civil society.

You can also find this podcast on our ⁠⁠⁠⁠website⁠⁠⁠⁠. Our movement needs your support. A movement is only as strong as its members. If you believe in a more democratic Southeast Asia, join New Naratif as a member ⁠⁠⁠⁠here⁠⁠⁠⁠.


Dari pembicaraan pada 2 episode sebelumnya di Pegasus Series, kita mendapati betapa pentingnya menekan pemerintah Indonesia untuk membentuk tim investigasi sesuai dengan kewajiban konstitusionalnya. Tim ini juga akan berfungsi sebagai checks and balances untuk penggunaan Pegasus dan alat-alat pemantauan lainnya di Indonesia.

Namun, hingga saat ini belum ada tindak lanjut dari pemerintah terkait situasi ini. Pada 2021 silam, Anggota Komisi I DPR, Effendi Simbolon, menyebut Indonesia memang memakai Pegasus. Menurutnya, sudah lama alat itu digunakan oleh para intelijen Indonesia, terutama menangani terorisme.

Di sisi lain, Kepala Divisi Teknologi, Informatika, dan Komunikasi Polri Slamet Uliandi tak membantah adanya penggunaan penyadap berbasis zero-click, tapi bukan Pegasus.

Dalam episode kali ini, Gema Gita Persada (LBH Pers) akan membahas tentang peraturan penyadapan di Indonesia, pelanggaran-pelanggaran yang terjadi, serta bagaimana peran masyarakat sipil dalam menghadapi situasi ini.