This is a special edition of the Southeast Asia Dispatches, the first of six episodes in the Pegasus series that we are co-producing together with KBR. Three episodes will be conducted in English, while three in Bahasa Indonesia, which you can find at Ruang Publik at ⁠⁠.

Pegasus Spyware has been used in over 24 countries throughout the world, including Thailand and Ukraina, even a narcotics cartel in Mexico. Data from Indonesia Leaks reveals that Pegasus was purchased in 2018 from its developer, NSO Group, a cyber weapons company from Israel. In this episode, Ika Ningtyas (AJI Indonesia) and Imal (SAFENet) will discuss the Indonesia Leaks report, the impact of Pegasus on human rights in Indonesia, and the role of civil society in this situation.

You can also find this podcast on our ⁠⁠⁠website⁠⁠⁠. Our movement needs your support. A movement is only as strong as its members. If you believe in a more democratic Southeast Asia, join New Naratif as a member ⁠⁠⁠here⁠⁠⁠.


Pegasus adalah perangkat lunak mata-mata atau spyware yang telah digunakan di lebih dari 24 negara di seluruh dunia, termasuk Thailand dan Ukraina, serta bahkan kartel narkotika di Meksiko. Data dari Indonesia Leaks mengungkapkan bahwa Pegasus dibeli pada tahun 2018 dari pengembangnya, NSO Group, sebuah perusahaan senjata siber asal Israel. Dalam episode kali ini kami bersama Ika Ningtyas (AJI Indonesia) dan Imal (SAFENet) akan membahas tentang laporan Indonesia Leaks, dampak Pegasus terhadap hak asasi manusia di Indonesia, dan peran masyarakat sipil dalam situasi ini.