Great Weights - Post Hardcore band from Philadelphia,PA...New Self-Titled EP ft. "After The Drive-In" & "Morning Sickness" out now...Check out their music, tour dates & more @

Devils Envy - Rock band from Orlando,FL....Debut single "Psycho" out now..Check out their music & more @

Sunday At Noon - Rock/Alternative band from Phoenix,AZ...New single "Thunder" out now...New single "Dirty Mouth" out May 8th...Playing on the "The Formidable Alliance" Tour w/ Teammate Markus...See them on May 10th @ Beauty Bar in Las Vegas,NV...Check out their music & more @

Teammate Markus - Rap/Hip Hop/Vibe artist from Mesa,AZ...New EP "Red Jacket" ft "Red Jacket" out this Friday...Playing on the "The Formidable Alliance" Tour w/ Sunday at Noon...See them on May 10th @ Beauty Bar in Las Vegas,NV...Check out their music & more @