NMRA is proud to honor our 2020 Restaurant Neighbor Winner, Central Grill and Coffee, led by George and Alicia Griego.  This year’s winners exemplify what it means to be a good neighbor. They open their doors and hearts to their communities. They have said that restaurant operators and employees, along with being dedicated to their jobs, are also dedicated to providing a welcoming atmosphere for their community. That “leadership with a heart” has made their restaurant an escape for many customers to come and relax and share their day. These leader's hearts belong to this year’s Restaurant Neighbor winner, Central Grill and Coffee House. Here’s just a small part of what makes the owners, George and Alicia Griego, good neighbors.

At the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis, they put their staff into action. They stepped up and helped the community by providing thousands of boxes to feed school children, seniors, and others around the state when meals were desperately needed. Over 10,000 sack lunches were prepared for the school systems statewide. They also joined up with Legacy Church and Steel bridge (formally known as Albuquerque Rescue Mission) and Sysco to make 5,000 food boxes that were delivered to Native American Pueblos across the state. Central Grill and Coffee House also reached out to UNM Hospital and sponsored over 350 meals to each department at the Hospital to show appreciation for their hard work dealing with the pandemic. They sponsored 400 lunches for Covid-testing locations throughout Albuquerque.