The Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Office is investing in a big new technology package, hoping to help deputies with crime-fighting around the county. Alongside newer TASERs, body cameras, license plate reading cameras and gunshot detectors, the county is also investing in a new cloud-based service called ‘FUSUS.' The company behind it describes the tech as a “real-time intelligence ecosystem,” allowing business owners and citizens to give BCSO access to their surveillance cameras.

This week on the New Mexico News Podcast, Major Hollie Anderson joins Chris & Gabby to explain how she believes this will streamline criminal investigations and ultimately, help catch criminals quicker. Anderson explains how BCSO will have the ability to watch deputies' lapel cameras live when needed, and capture surveillance footage from a crime scene using the new system. 

How can businesses opt-in? Is this an over-reach of privacy? Those questions and more are addressed in the full discussion above.

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