The tragic shooting on the film set of ‘Rust’ in Santa Fe sparked lots of discussion about the use of real weapons in movie productions. Investigators say actor Alec Baldwin fired a long colt revolver while rehearsing a scene at Bonanza Creek Ranch, killing cinematographer Halyna Hutchins, and injuring the film’s director, Joel Souza. How did a real bullet get on set and go unnoticed? Should film productions stick with visual effects from now on instead of using real functioning firearms? What is the role of an armorer on a film set? Gabby and Chris tackle these topics and more with a New Mexico military veteran who’s spent part of his career working with weapons on film sets as an armorer. Cory Wilde shares first-hand knowledge about using guns on movie sets, and why he believes education is key to keeping people safe. For more on this and other episodes, visit our website at Got a question, comment or suggestion? Email us at [email protected] or [email protected].