Topics: Marijuana, Adult Children, Estrangement, Trauma, Same-Sex Attraction, Teens Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Dr. Jill Hubbard, Milan Yerkovich Caller Questions: What words can I use to let my 25yo daughter know it’s not OK that she smokes marijuana while she lives with us?  Why can’t we talk face-to-face with our 28yo son who is living with his fiancée and her mother?  I feel like God

The post New Life Live: September 29, 2021 appeared first on New Life.

Topics: MarijuanaAdult ChildrenEstrangementTraumaSame-Sex AttractionTeens

Hosts: Steve ArterburnDr. Jill HubbardMilan Yerkovich

Caller Questions:

What words can I use to let my 25yo daughter know it’s not OK that she smokes marijuana while she lives with us? 
Why can’t we talk face-to-face with our 28yo son who is living with his fiancée and her mother? 
I feel like God has shut the door on grace for me because I can’t get over my trauma; do I have the mark of the beast? 
My 15yo son says he’s attracted to both boys and girls. 

Suggested Resources:

Understanding and Loving Your Child Who Smokes Pot

Living Strong, Finishing Well

How We Love

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The post New Life Live: September 29, 2021 appeared first on New Life.

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