Topics: Pornography, Dating, Childhood Trauma, Sexual Abuse, Intimacy, In-laws, Adult Children Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Dr. Jill Hubbard, Becky Brown Caller Questions: I'm a widow and my husband had a porn addiction; how do I approach anyone I date about this?  Is it ever too late to work on intimacy in your marriage? My aunt exposed herself to me when I was 8yo, and

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Topics: PornographyDatingChildhood TraumaSexual AbuseIntimacyIn-lawsAdult Children

Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Dr. Jill Hubbard, Becky Brown

Caller Questions:

I’m a widow and my husband had a porn addiction; how do I approach anyone I date about this? 
Is it ever too late to work on intimacy in your marriage? My aunt exposed herself to me when I was 8yo, and I objectify women. 
My daughter-in-law says I failed her because she needed me to mother her. Is that normal? 

Suggested Resources:

Worthy of Her Trust

Every Man’s Battle

How We Love

Take Your Life Back

Doing Life with Your Adult Children

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The post New Life Live: September 2, 2022 appeared first on New Life.

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