Topics: Adult Children, Estrangement, Grief, Forgiveness, Sexual Abuse, Anxiety Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Dr. Jill Hubbard, Milan Yerkovich Caller Questions: How do I reconnect with my adult son who won't talk with me or my ex-husband?  After having COVID and emailing my friends on how to prevent getting it, they sent me hate mail.  My friend's 15yo grandson was arrested for touching his 6yo sister;

The post New Life Live: October 7, 2020 appeared first on New Life.

Topics: Adult ChildrenEstrangementGriefForgivenessSexual AbuseAnxiety
Hosts: Steve ArterburnDr. Jill HubbardMilan Yerkovich

Caller Questions:

How do I reconnect with my adult son who won’t talk with me or my ex-husband? After having COVID and emailing my friends on how to prevent getting it, they sent me hate mail. My friend’s 15yo grandson was arrested for touching his 6yo sister; how do I help this young man? What help is there for my anxiety during the day? I’m a total mess. 

Suggested Resources:
How We Love
Forgiving What You’ll Never Forget
Healing Is a Choice
Take Your Life Back

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The post New Life Live: October 7, 2020 appeared first on New Life.

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