Topics: Affairs, Separation, Adult Children, Counseling, Siblings, Bullying Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Dr. Alice Benton, Marc Cameron Caller Questions: My husband packed up his car and left after I found out he had an emotional affair. I’ve been extremely critical of him; is it too late for us?  Should I tell my adult kids not to go to the restaurant where the woman

The post New Life Live: October 31, 2022 appeared first on New Life.

Topics: AffairsSeparationAdult ChildrenCounselingSiblingsBullying

Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Dr. Alice Benton, Marc Cameron

Caller Questions:

My husband packed up his car and left after I found out he had an emotional affair. I’ve been extremely critical of him; is it too late for us? 
Should I tell my adult kids not to go to the restaurant where the woman works who had an affair with my husband? My kids don’t know he had an affair. 
How can I know if I need counseling? What are the signs? 
How do I lovingly tell my brother that he has hurt family members? He is a bully. 

Suggested Resources:

Worthy of Her Trust

Healing Is a Choice

One Year Bible for Women

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The post New Life Live: October 31, 2022 appeared first on New Life.

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