Topics: Newlyweds, Lying, Sexual Intimacy, Self Harm, Parenting, Separation Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Dr. Sheri Keffer, Special Guest Psychiatrist Dr. Daniel Amen Caller Questions: Should I fight for my new wife who is making accusations against me? My husband lacks sexual desire for me; what should healthy sex look like in a healthy marriage?  Is there help for my 12yo ADD daughter who

The post New Life Live: October 22, 2020 appeared first on New Life.

Topics: NewlywedsLyingSexual IntimacySelf HarmParenting, Separation
Hosts: Steve ArterburnDr. Sheri Keffer, Special Guest Psychiatrist Dr. Daniel Amen

Caller Questions:

Should I fight for my new wife who is making accusations against me?My husband lacks sexual desire for me; what should healthy sex look like in a healthy marriage? Is there help for my 12yo ADD daughter who hallucinates, hears voices, cuts, and vapes? My husband of 4yrs changed after we got married, and I am being advised to leave him. Should I? 

Suggested Resources:
Conquer Worry and Anxiety
Intimate Deception

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The post New Life Live: October 22, 2020 appeared first on New Life.

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