Topics: Christian Walk, Anxiety, Depression, ADD, Procrastination, Adult Children, Enabling Hosts: Chris Williams, Dr. Jill Hubbard, Marc Cameron Caller Questions: I’m a former Christian; how do you know there is a God?  How do I find a therapist for anxiety and depression? I have been in counseling on and off for 30yrs. I never thought I had ADHD until you talked about it the

The post New Life Live: November 22, 2023 appeared first on New Life.

Topics: Christian WalkAnxietyDepressionADDProcrastinationAdult ChildrenEnabling

Hosts: Chris Williams, Dr. Jill Hubbard, Marc Cameron

Caller Questions:

I’m a former Christian; how do you know there is a God? 
How do I find a therapist for anxiety and depression? I have been in counseling on and off for 30yrs.
I never thought I had ADHD until you talked about it the other day; what’s the best way for an ADHD brain to establish structure? 
Is it okay to get my 27yo son to talk to a counselor via Zoom? He is about to get married, but we still help him financially. 

Suggested Resources:

How We Love

Emotional Freedom Workbook

Understanding and Loving a Person with ADD

Doing Life with Your Adult Children

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The post New Life Live: November 22, 2023 appeared first on New Life.

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