Topics: Non-Christian Spouse, Intimacy, Enabling, Alcohol, Sexual Addiction Hosts: Dr. Sheri Keffer, Dr. Alice Benton, Larry Sonnenburg Caller Questions: My wife of 3yrs is not a believer, and I feel this is why I am not attracted to her.  How do I strengthen my marriage of 18yrs besides going to church?  Am I enabling my husband? He isn't much of a

The post New Life Live: November 19, 2019 appeared first on New Life.

Topics: Non-Christian SpouseIntimacyEnablingAlcoholSexual Addiction

Hosts: Dr. Sheri Keffer, Dr. Alice Benton, Larry Sonnenburg

Caller Questions:

My wife of 3yrs is not a believer, and I feel this is why I am not attracted to her. 
How do I strengthen my marriage of 18yrs besides going to church? 
Am I enabling my husband? He isn’t much of a leader or provider and he drinks. 
What can I do about my husband who looks at other women when we are in public? 

Suggested Resources:

Sacred Marriage

Mediterranean Love Plan

Understanding and Loving a Person with Alcohol or Drug Addiction

Intimate Deception

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The post New Life Live: November 19, 2019 appeared first on New Life.

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