Topics: Dating, Anger, Sexual Integrity, Affairs, Intimacy Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Dr. Sheri Keffer, Dr. Alice Benton Caller Questions: Is it wise to reach out to my ex-boyfriend because I think he has ADHD?  My wife wants a divorce because of my anger issues; what can I do?  I went to Every Man's Battle 7yrs ago and my marriage is doing great!  How

The post New Life Live: November 1, 2019 appeared first on New Life.

Topics: DatingAngerSexual IntegrityAffairsIntimacy

Hosts: Steve ArterburnDr. Sheri Keffer, Dr. Alice Benton

Caller Questions:

Is it wise to reach out to my ex-boyfriend because I think he has ADHD? 
My wife wants a divorce because of my anger issues; what can I do? 
I went to Every Man’s Battle 7yrs ago and my marriage is doing great! 
How soon should I engage in sex after my husband’s affair last month? 
I look at girls on the internet, not porn; how can I stop? 

Suggested Resources:

Take Your Life Back

Healing Is a Choice

Intimate Deception

Worthy of Her Trust

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The post New Life Live: November 1, 2019 appeared first on New Life.

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