Topics: Fear, Abandonment, Gender Identity, Enabling, Alcohol, Adult Children, Betrayal Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Dr. Jill Hubbard, Chris Williams, recorded on the New Life Danube River Cruise Caller Questions & More: Chris Williams shares one practical way to work around fear.  My wife's abandonment issues trigger my past failures; how can we communicate better?  Our 7yo grandson wears a dress; how do we deal

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Topics: FearAbandonmentGender IdentityEnablingAlcoholAdult ChildrenBetrayal

Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Dr. Jill Hubbard, Chris Williams, recorded on the New Life Danube River Cruise

Caller Questions & More:

Chris Williams shares one practical way to work around fear. 
My wife’s abandonment issues trigger my past failures; how can we communicate better? 
Our 7yo grandson wears a dress; how do we deal with gender identity issues? 
How do we balance support vs. financially enabling our adult daughter who is a recovering alcoholic? 
I have felt betrayed by family members in the past and now I’m having nightmares; what can I do? 

Suggested Resources:

100 Days To Freedom from Fear and Anxiety

How We Love

Doing Life with Your Adult Children

How You Think…Determines the Course of Your Life

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The post New Life Live: May 23, 2024 appeared first on New Life.

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