Topics: Trust, Finances, Avoider, Vacillator, Friendship, Confrontation, Parenting, Verbal Abuse, Self Worth  Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Dr. Alice Benton, Dr. Jim Burns Caller Questions: Should I stay with my wife or give her what she wants and leave? She hasn't hardly talked to me for 2yrs and won't combine our finances.  I've been trying to get in touch with an old high school friend, and she

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Topics: TrustFinancesAvoiderVacillatorFriendshipConfrontationParentingVerbal AbuseSelf Worth 

Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Dr. Alice Benton, Dr. Jim Burns

Caller Questions:

Should I stay with my wife or give her what she wants and leave? She hasn’t hardly talked to me for 2yrs and won’t combine our finances. 
I’ve been trying to get in touch with an old high school friend, and she won’t respond to me. Do I write her off? 
How do I talk to my grandson-in-law about being a helicopter dad and too controlling? 
I come from a verbally abusive family who still hurt my feelings; how do I become less sensitive? 

Suggested Resources:

Every Man’s Bible

The Law of Connection CD

Doing Life with Your Adult Children

Emotional Freedom Workbook

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The post New Life Live: May 23, 2022 appeared first on New Life.

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