Topics: Career, Christian Walk, Father Issues, Boundaries, Blended Families, Home Disorder, Dating Hosts: Becky Brown, Dr. Alice Benton, Marc Cameron Caller Questions & More: Marc Cameron shares about The Weekend Conflict.  Should I stop taking secular classes for my Master's in Psychology and pursue biblical counseling instead?  My husband thinks I respect my father more than him; how do I set boundaries with

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Topics: CareerChristian WalkFather IssuesBoundariesBlended FamiliesHome DisorderDating

Hosts: Becky Brown, Dr. Alice Benton, Marc Cameron

Caller Questions & More:

Marc Cameron shares about The Weekend Conflict. 
Should I stop taking secular classes for my Master’s in Psychology and pursue biblical counseling instead? 
My husband thinks I respect my father more than him; how do I set boundaries with my father and not hurt his feelings? 
Do I have to go to my husband’s grandson’s birthday party? I don’t want to see his two ex-wives. 
Our dear pastor’s parsonage is always unkempt and now they have chickens; why is his family so messy? 
How do I move forward if the man I’ve been seeing has backed off? I’m an 80yo widow and don’t want to seem desperate. 

Suggested Resources:

Changes That Heal

How We Love

100 Days of Peace

Is This The One

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The post New Life Live: May 20, 2024 appeared first on New Life.