Topics: Controller, Adult Children, Confrontation, Estrangement Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Dr. Sheri Keffer Caller Questions: How do I deal with the pain and work on the issues that my adult children are bringing up?  What do I do about my 19yo son living at home who does not abide by our contract with him?  My 27yo son won't visit us after moving

The post New Life Live: March 27, 2020 appeared first on New Life.

Topics: ControllerAdult ChildrenConfrontationEstrangement

Hosts: Steve ArterburnDr. Sheri Keffer

Caller Questions:

How do I deal with the pain and work on the issues that my adult children are bringing up? 
What do I do about my 19yo son living at home who does not abide by our contract with him? 
My 27yo son won’t visit us after moving in with his girlfriend and her mom; what should I do? 

Suggested Resources:

Take Your Life Back

How We Love

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The post New Life Live: March 27, 2020 appeared first on New Life.

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