Topics: Christian Walk, Drug Addiction, Adult Children, Narcissists, Sexual Integrity Hosts: Dr. Alice Benton, Dr. Jill Hubbard, JJ West Caller Questions & More: JJ West shares about One-Anothering vs. Othering.  How do I get my husband out of bed? When I try to get him to do something, he argues and then goes back to sleep.  How do I heal my relationship

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Topics: Christian WalkDrug AddictionAdult ChildrenNarcissistsSexual Integrity

Hosts: Dr. Alice Benton, Dr. Jill Hubbard, JJ West

Caller Questions & More:

JJ West shares about One-Anothering vs. Othering. 
How do I get my husband out of bed? When I try to get him to do something, he argues and then goes back to sleep. 
How do I heal my relationship with my adult adopted daughter? She cut off communication when I tried to reconcile. 
I’ve been married 27yrs to a narcissist and found texts from another woman. 
I wanted to let your first caller know that I’ve been 20yrs clean from drugs and once I was off of methadone, I still had the urge to use. You have to keep working the program. 

Suggested Resources:

Life Recovery Workbook

Doing Life with Your Adult Children

Intimate Deception

Life Recovery Bible

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The post New Life Live: June 4, 2024 appeared first on New Life.

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