Topics: Alcohol, Pornography, Blended Families, Narcissists, Sexual Abuse, Christian Walk Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Dr. Jacqui Mack-Harris, Milan Yerkovich Caller Questions: How do I deal with my soon-to-be ex-husband? He's an alcoholic and is addicted to porn, and he expects us to all hang out together at family events.  Will Every Man's Battle help my husband who has narcissistic personality disorder?  I am so

The post New Life Live: July 5, 2022 appeared first on New Life.

Topics: AlcoholPornographyBlended FamiliesNarcissistsSexual AbuseChristian Walk

Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Dr. Jacqui Mack-Harris, Milan Yerkovich

Caller Questions:

How do I deal with my soon-to-be ex-husband? He’s an alcoholic and is addicted to porn, and he expects us to all hang out together at family events. 
Will Every Man’s Battle help my husband who has narcissistic personality disorder? 
I am so mad at God for all the sexual abuse in my past; how do I make sense of God wanting bad stuff to happen to me? 

Suggested Resources:

Worthy of Her Trust

Soul of a Hero

How We Love

Healing Is a Choice

Take Your Life Back

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The post New Life Live: July 5, 2022 appeared first on New Life.

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