Topics: Incarceration, Siblings, Reconciliation, Intimacy, Transgender, Parenting Hosts: Becky Brown, Dr. Alice Benton Caller Questions: I just got out of prison and your radio show inspired me while I was incarcerated. Thank you!  How do I repair the relationship with my critical and controlling sister?  I had a stroke and my wife was neglectful; would I be better off leaving her?  What

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Topics: IncarcerationSiblingsReconciliationIntimacyTransgenderParenting

Hosts: Becky Brown, Dr. Alice Benton

Caller Questions:

I just got out of prison and your radio show inspired me while I was incarcerated. Thank you! 
How do I repair the relationship with my critical and controlling sister? 
I had a stroke and my wife was neglectful; would I be better off leaving her? 
What is a 9yo child’s development stage? My grandson has a male friend who wants to be a girl. 

Suggested Resources:

Life Recovery Bible

Healing Is a Choice

How We Love

How We Love Our Kids

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The post New Life Live: July 21, 2022 appeared first on New Life.