Topics: Addictions, Getting Unstuck, Eating Disorders, Shame, Procrastination, Drugs Hosts: Becky Brown, Marc Cameron, special guest therapist Alena Alsruhe Caller Questions: How can you have a healthy lifestyle if you struggle with dropping off?  How do I get over self-sabotage due to the trauma of addiction? I take a few steps forward, then backwards.  What baby steps can I take to stick

The post New Life Live: January 8, 2024 appeared first on New Life.

Topics: AddictionsGetting UnstuckEating DisordersShameProcrastinationDrugs

Hosts: Becky Brown, Marc Cameron, special guest therapist Alena Alsruhe

Caller Questions:

How can you have a healthy lifestyle if you struggle with dropping off? 
How do I get over self-sabotage due to the trauma of addiction? I take a few steps forward, then backwards. 
What baby steps can I take to stick with something that will give me success? I don’t want to be accountable to anybody but myself. 
Does my married son have to give up his musician lifestyle to be free from addiction? 

Suggested Resources:

Lose It for Life

Take Your Life Back

How We Love

Life Recovery Bible

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The post New Life Live: January 8, 2024 appeared first on New Life.