Topics: Affairs, Separation, Grief, Homosexuality, Pornography, Self Worth Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Dr. Sheri Keffer, Dr. Alice Benton Caller Questions: After a 3yr separation from my unfaithful husband who has kids outside our marriage, how can I help our 5yo son? When there is so much to grieve, how long will it take to heal?  My husband struggles with same-sex attraction and porn; how

The post New Life Live: January 8, 2020 appeared first on New Life.

Topics: AffairsSeparationGriefHomosexualityPornographySelf Worth

Hosts: Steve ArterburnDr. Sheri Keffer, Dr. Alice Benton

Caller Questions:

After a 3yr separation from my unfaithful husband who has kids outside our marriage, how can I help our 5yo son?
When there is so much to grieve, how long will it take to heal? 
My husband struggles with same-sex attraction and porn; how do I feel better about myself? 

Suggested Resources:

Take Your Life Back

Intimate Deception

Healing Is a Choice

Life Recovery Bible

Life Recovery Workbook for Grief

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The post New Life Live: January 8, 2020 appeared first on New Life.

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