Topics: Adult Children, Grief, Estrangement, Christian Walk, Separation, Dating, Parenting Hosts: Becky Brown, Dr. Sheri Keffer, Chris Williams Caller Questions: How do I deal with the grief of all three of our adult kids turning away from God and us? Holidays and birthdays are so hard.  My wife separated from me 11mos ago and wrote in an email that our spirituality was at

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Topics: Adult ChildrenGrief, EstrangementChristian WalkSeparationDatingParenting

Hosts: Becky Brown, Dr. Sheri Keffer, Chris Williams

Caller Questions:

How do I deal with the grief of all three of our adult kids turning away from God and us? Holidays and birthdays are so hard. 
My wife separated from me 11mos ago and wrote in an email that our spirituality was at two different levels; how do I respond? 
I’m saved, love the Lord, and looking for a guy to date who can be a godly father for my 3yo boy. 

Suggested Resources:

Healing Is a Choice

Doing Life with Your Adult Children

How We Love

100 Days of Prayer

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The post New Life Live: January 15, 2024 appeared first on New Life.

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