Topics: Sexual Integrity, Pornography, Masturbation, Christian Walk, Disclosure, Bipolar Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Dr. Alice Benton, Marc Cameron Caller Questions: Kevin Downes, a producer on Jesus Revolution, talks about the new movie in theaters on February 24.  What's the best way for me to break free from porn, masturbation, and overeating? I am 32yo and live out of my car.  I struggle with

The post New Life Live: February 13, 2023 appeared first on New Life.

Topics: Sexual IntegrityPornographyMasturbationChristian WalkDisclosureBipolar

Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Dr. Alice Benton, Marc Cameron

Caller Questions:

Kevin Downes, a producer on Jesus Revolution, talks about the new movie in theaters on February 24. 
What’s the best way for me to break free from porn, masturbation, and overeating? I am 32yo and live out of my car. 
I struggle with porn and just told my wife. Where should I start reading my Bible so I can get closer to the Lord? 
I went to Every Man’s Battle and finally overcame my lifelong addiction to porn and masturbation! 
How do I navigate having bipolar disorder and taking medication, but I feel emotionally muted? 

Suggested Resources:

Every Believer’s Thought Life

Life Recovery Workbook for Sexual Integrity

One Year Bible for Men

How We Love

One Year Bible for Women

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The post New Life Live: February 13, 2023 appeared first on New Life.

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