Topics: Suicide, Depression, Marijuana, Sexual Integrity, Bullying, Anger, Bipolar, Alcohol Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Milan Yerkovich, Chris Williams Caller Questions: What can I do to help my 18yo suicidal and depressed son who refuses treatment?  How do I handle my anger for a husband who is crossdressing and meeting people online?  My 12yo son gets bullied at school and takes his frustration out on his younger

The post New Life Live: December 9, 2019 appeared first on New Life.

Topics: SuicideDepressionMarijuanaSexual IntegrityBullyingAngerBipolarAlcohol

Hosts: Steve ArterburnMilan Yerkovich, Chris Williams

Caller Questions:

What can I do to help my 18yo suicidal and depressed son who refuses treatment? 
How do I handle my anger for a husband who is crossdressing and meeting people online? 
My 12yo son gets bullied at school and takes his frustration out on his younger sister. 
Our 63yo bipolar son struggles with alcohol and it’s getting worse; should I ignore his texts? 

Suggested Resources:

Take Your Life Back

How We Love

Understanding and Loving a Person with Bipolar Personality Disorder

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The post New Life Live: December 9, 2019 appeared first on New Life.

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