Topics: Depression, Suicide, Anger, Divorce, Pornography, Sexual Integrity, Intimacy Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Chris Williams, Marc Cameron Caller Questions: How can I help my 28yo bipolar son who is suicidal? I have bipolar disorder, and things were very chaotic in his childhood.  My wife filed for a protective order against me because I get really angry.  I discovered my husband's sex addiction 10mos ago

The post New Life Live: December 18, 2023 appeared first on New Life.

Topics: DepressionSuicideAngerDivorcePornographySexual IntegrityIntimacy

Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Chris Williams, Marc Cameron

Caller Questions:

How can I help my 28yo bipolar son who is suicidal? I have bipolar disorder, and things were very chaotic in his childhood. 
My wife filed for a protective order against me because I get really angry. 
I discovered my husband’s sex addiction 10mos ago and he has stopped, but I can’t stand to be intimate with him. 

Suggested Resources:

Emotional Freedom Workbook

Healing Is a Choice

Intimate Deception

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The post New Life Live: December 18, 2023 appeared first on New Life.

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