Topics: Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Grief, Adult Children, Depression, Suicide, Teens, Forgiveness, Dating Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Dr. Jacqui Mack-Harris, Becky Brown Caller Questions: My husband has been physically abusive the last 2yrs; how do I help him heal?  Last summer I found out my husband was molesting our 10yo granddaughter, and he is in jail for 7yrs. I’m very sad; is that where I should

The post New Life Live: August 5, 2022 appeared first on New Life.

Topics: Physical AbuseSexual AbuseGriefAdult ChildrenDepressionSuicideTeensForgivenessDating

Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Dr. Jacqui Mack-Harris, Becky Brown

Caller Questions:

My husband has been physically abusive the last 2yrs; how do I help him heal? 
Last summer I found out my husband was molesting our 10yo granddaughter, and he is in jail for 7yrs. I’m very sad; is that where I should be? 
How can my daughter get married and not invite me? I married an abusive narcissist who threatened her, and it hurt our relationship. 
My friend’s 17yo son is severely depressed and attempted suicide last year; what should she do? 
How can I go back and forgive? I was hurt from a boyfriend decades ago and never married because I can’t develop relationships with men. 

Suggested Resources:

Understanding and Loving Your Bonus Child

Understanding and Loving Your Child As a Single Parent

Healing Is a Choice

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The post New Life Live: August 5, 2022 appeared first on New Life.

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