Topics: Bipolar Disorder, ADD, Parenting, Difficult Conversations, Sexual Abuse, PTSD, Siblings Hosts: Becky Brown, Dr. Jill Hubbard, Dr. Jim Burns Caller Questions: My husband has a pattern of leaving me when he has a bipolar episode; is there a place in his mind he can go that gives him peace?  My sister's 11yo son with ADHD talks badly to her and all of us,

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Topics: Bipolar DisorderADDParentingDifficult ConversationsSexual AbusePTSDSiblings

Hosts: Becky Brown, Dr. Jill Hubbard, Dr. Jim Burns

Caller Questions:

My husband has a pattern of leaving me when he has a bipolar episode; is there a place in his mind he can go that gives him peace? 
My sister’s 11yo son with ADHD talks badly to her and all of us, but she doesn’t discipline him; how do I talk to her about it? 
I want no contact with my father-in-law who sexually abused his stepdaughter years ago and was never charged and has never gone to counseling; what can I do? 
How do I help my sister who is a domestic violence victim and has mental health issues? I’m now her guardian. 

Suggested Resources:

Understanding and Loving a Person with Bipolar Disorder


How We Love

Changes That Heal

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The post New Life Live: April 9, 2024 appeared first on New Life.

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