Topics: Miscarriages, Grief, Anxiety, Teens, Sexual Integrity, Making Decisions Hosts: Becky Brown, Dr. Alice Benton, Chris Williams Caller Questions: My daughter has had four miscarriages and two stillbirths; how do I find some words to say to her?  How do I support my 17yo daughter with her social anxiety before she goes to college?  I lost my wife of 20yrs at Thanksgiving;

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Topics: MiscarriagesGriefAnxietyTeensSexual IntegrityMaking Decisions

Hosts: Becky Brown, Dr. Alice Benton, Chris Williams

Caller Questions:

My daughter has had four miscarriages and two stillbirths; how do I find some words to say to her? 
How do I support my 17yo daughter with her social anxiety before she goes to college? 
I lost my wife of 20yrs at Thanksgiving; how can I honor God with my sexuality as a widower? 
I always wonder if I made the right decision. How can I be at peace knowing I made the best decision with the information I had? 

Suggested Resources:

The Heart Handbook

Conquer Worry and Anxiety

How You Think…Determines the Course of Your Life

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The post New Life Live: April 25, 2024 appeared first on New Life.