Topics: Judgment, Sexual Integrity, Sexual Abuse, Shame, Salvation, Smoking Hosts: Becky Brown, Dr. Jill Hubbard, JJ West Caller Questions: Regarding alternate lifestyles, we are to tell the world about Jesus, but leave it to the work of the Holy Spirit to convict them.  Every Man's Battle workshop got me back to my wife and reading the Bible!  Do I bring to light the

The post New Life Live: April 18, 2023 appeared first on New Life.

Topics: JudgmentSexual IntegritySexual AbuseShameSalvationSmoking

Hosts: Becky Brown, Dr. Jill Hubbard, JJ West

Caller Questions:

Regarding alternate lifestyles, we are to tell the world about Jesus, but leave it to the work of the Holy Spirit to convict them. 
Every Man’s Battle workshop got me back to my wife and reading the Bible! 
Do I bring to light the secret of my foster father sexually abusing? It would devastate my family. 
If a Christian were to die from cancer due to smoking cigarettes, are they still saved? 

Suggested Resources:

Every Believer’s Thought Life

Healing Is A Choice

How We Love

Take Your Life Back

Life Recovery Bible

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The post New Life Live: April 18, 2023 appeared first on New Life.

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