Episode 19 (Recorded on May 13)

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“Pixel Tactics Development”


Marco and Brad talk about a game we don't talk about often enough: Pixel Tactics! Find out about its history, how it developed from a "one-off" mini-game to one of our longest-running series. We discuss the challenges of this transition and some of the development thoughts that go into the game's balance.

Pixel Tactics was originally a stand-alone game in our mini-game library. It has since become a long-running series with at least 5 games and more to come in the future!

This led to a few "growing pains" that have colored the game's development. The first game introduced a variety of powerful effects that were hard to build-on. This is compounded by the lack of an internal balancing mechanism (like Mana in typical card games).

In the end, the way Pixel Tactics developed meant that we had to get creative with how we solved problems, resulting in a game system filled to the brim with fun combos and an emphasis on card advantage and tempo.

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Music provided by Wesley Slover