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Maximillian Alvarez has committed his life to justice for working people through a career focused on telling their stories and journalism that exposes the challenges in our society that are swept under the rug and ignored. He joins us for a conversation on the state of the media, the political discourse, the world, the unignorable failures of capitalism that permeate our lives. How we can begin to reframe our society and imagine a world anew?


The Real News

Working People Podcast

Articles by Maximillian

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About Maximillian Alvarez

Maximillian Alvarez is a writer and editor based in Baltimore, the host of Working People, ​“a podcast by, for, and about the working class today”, and Editor-in-Chief of the Real News. His work has been featured in venues like In These Times, The Nation, The Baffler, Current Affairs, and The New Republic.

About the Working People Podcast

Working People is a podcast about working-class lives in 21st-century America. In every episode you'll hear interviews with workers from around the country, from all walks of life. We'll talk about their life stories, their jobs, politics, and families, their joys and hopes and frustrations. We aim to share and celebrate the diverse stories of working-class people, to remind ourselves that our stories matter, and to build a sense of shared struggle and solidarity between workers around the country.

About the Real News

The Real News Network (TRNN) makes media connecting you to the movements, people, and perspectives that are advancing the cause of a more just, equal, and livable planet. We broaden your understanding of the issues, contexts, and voices behind the news headlines. 

We are rigorous in our journalism and dedicated to the facts, but unafraid to engage alongside movements for change, because we believe journalism and media making has a critical role to play in illuminating pathways for collective action. 

That’s why we make media engaging people not as a passive audience of consumers and spectators, but as active—or soon-to-be activated—participants in the struggle for a better world. Our platform highlights the voices and ideas not just of academics and pundits, but grassroots participants in social movements for change: the people on the frontlines of fights against injustice.

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