Michael's work centers around noble manhood! Michael is a great guy who shares his journey from wounds to healing with honesty and hopefulness. Man Under Construction is an overflow of his growth and healing. Michael's story resonates with so many men because of the commonality of a father wound. Here's a gem from this podcast. "Servanthood is instinctual to true masculinity." Michael Vilches

Mentions in this podcast: 

The New Man Report Link
WarCry Network https://warcrynetwork.com
Live Free Community App https://www.livefree.app
MEN OF IRON--- (www.menofiron.org)
Michael's work, https://www.instagram.com/man_under_construction_/
Listen to Michael's Podcast Here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/1-black-belt-husband-w-quentin-hafner/id1466396294?i=1000502266758

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