3 Garden State activists talk about the current New Jersey Drug Policy and how criminalizing drugs affects the lives of New Jersey residents. The panel discusses prescription medications effect on the drug problem, this is not the only policy we will see take hold in the next few years. We also explore the idea of...

3 Garden State activists talk about the current New Jersey Drug Policy and how criminalizing drugs affects the lives of New Jersey residents. The panel discusses prescription medications effect on the drug problem, this is not the only policy we will see take hold in the next few years. We also explore the idea of complete decriminalization. The common remedies usually include law enforcement and drug treatment. Recent laws that NJ has put on the books include limits on how many doses can be issued by a doctor and limiting certain uses.

Are some regulations or laws ok?

Not according Randy, who advocates for consideration of a Portugese like model of complete decriminalization. Randy says we need to get law enforcement out of these situations, and stop trying to coerce treatment on addicts. Watch the live stream or listen on your podcast platform!

So are we doing everything wrong by treating this problem with more regulations? Everyone on the panel agrees that the laws currently on the books are not doing the job. Our New Jersey Drug Policy is too dependent on the police, and many law enforcement advocates are not working for justice, they are working to maintain an establishment that profits off these bad laws, and they, in-turn “earn” a living.

By increasing prison populations and lobbying for more incarceration of immigrants this establishment has not shown the compassion it takes to effectively help addicts, who are only in need of treatment for a disease if they choose to get it. To learn more about Randy’s work visit Help Not Handcuffs on the web, or on Facebook. 

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