Wine Women and Revolution host Heather Warburton Joins NJRR to tell us the latest on her 2 running stories. A…

Wine Women and Revolution host Heather Warburton Joins NJRR to tell us the latest on her 2 running stories. A new video has surfaced with Democrat Jeff Van Drew spouting what sounds exactly like the gun lobby Northfield Democrats Candidate Forum, just a few months ago (February 21, 2018. )


The school Board in Ventnor still does not get it. Listen to how an all white gathering chose to ignore that racism is being taught in their schools! It is angering. Wine Women and Revolution is committed to continued coverage and NJRR is going to help our friend Randi be heard. Click Here to sign up for the “I’m With Randi ” campaign. We are looking for people willing to go to the next Ventnor School Board meeting on Wed Jun 27 6:00 PM at 400 N. Lafayette Ave. Ventnor, NJ 08406 Click Here to find the event on Facebook to share.

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