The IDAVOX crew was back and on a roll, but something was missing. Beth! Beth foster has appeared on IDAVOX before and now she is back to join in the doxing of NAZIS from Boston with @SplendidSpoon (Lauren Pespisa) and @RodWebber. 

The group know as Patriot Front is still running around the country showing up where they are not wanted, and ANTIFA has been responding by documenting the activities and license plates of these idiots. Lauren and Rod catch dozens of plates (see video) and toss insults as they do it. PLUS!

This insane supreme court, the hapless democrats and our dying political system, and the trailer for "We Don't Walk In Fear" an upcoming documentary about Daryles work on One Peoples Project, Idavox, and ANTIFA inspired journalism and activism, 

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Brian Powers Twitter @NJRR_Brian

Chris Perez @PerezPodcast