In this special episode of Wine, Women, and Revolution (The Socialist Podcast), Heather interviews Trisha, the niece of Lashanda Anderson. We were introduced to Lashanda’s story by Shevone in our interview with the women of Black Lives Matter here. Lashanda was killed by police outside a Marshal’s department store in Deptford NJ. Did a false...

In this special episode of Wine, Women, and Revolution (The Socialist Podcast), Heather interviews Trisha, the niece of Lashanda Anderson. We were introduced to Lashanda’s story by Shevone in our interview with the women of Black Lives Matter here. Lashanda was killed by police outside a Marshal’s department store in Deptford NJ.

Did a false call to the police have effect on this devastating outcome?

A security guard suspected Lashanda was shoplifting and called the police. For unknown reasons during that call, the guard told the police that one of the shoplifters was wanted for manslaughter. Trisha confirms this was not a true statement. None of the people involved in the incident were wanted for manslaughter, and the guard would have no way of knowing even if they were. This statement heightened the tension of the police. This false information could have contributed to the death of Lashanda. Marshals has not accepted responsibility or made a statement concerning their part in this. Trisha requests someone from Marshal’s reach out to the family. Marshals is welcome to reach out to NJRR as well, to make a statement.

Police claimed the Lashanda injured them with her vehicle while attempting to leave the area. Eyewitness testimony disagrees with that statement. Witnesses say that the vehicle was driving away from the officers and the police were chasing after the car and firing their weapons into the back of the vehicle. Lashanda was shot multiple times including in the back of the head.

Trisha mentions the officer involved in this incident has previous issues with excessive force. A case was settled out of court in the past. There are also another claim of excessive force alleging he broke someone’s nose.

This is about love not hate

Trisha stresses that Lashanda was loved. She was a mother, a daughter, a sister, and a valued member of the community. Other press outlets stress that Lashanda had a history and never focused on her as a person. Trisha does not want Lashanda to be “just another hashtag”. She says this isn’t about “hating the police”, but its about loving her Aunt. She will be the voice for her Aunt since she can no longer speak for herself.

Vigils and rallies to support justice for Lashanda Anderson will be starting in mid-September. Details can be found on the Facebook page set up by her friends and family here. They will be in the parking lot of Marshal’s where the shooting happened. If we all come together we can prevent these kinds of senseless shootings in the future.

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