Atlantic County Dems Reorg In this special breaking news episode of Wine, Women, and Revolution, Heather is joined on the phone by Helen Duda and Gail Biel to discuss last night’s Atlantic County Democrat Party reorganization meeting. To call the reorganization meeting confusing would be an understatement. Many committee members from the towns of Atlantic...

Atlantic County Dems Reorg

In this special breaking news episode of Wine, Women, and Revolution, Heather is joined on the phone by Helen Duda and Gail Biel to discuss last night’s Atlantic County Democrat Party reorganization meeting. To call the reorganization meeting confusing would be an understatement. Many committee members from the towns of Atlantic City and Pleasantville assumed they were not allowed to vote for their chair since their elections had not been certified yet. Possibly as many as 60 members of a 180 member voting poll were not present to vote for their choice of chair person. A location change made the meeting less accessible to Atlantic City residents. This presents a troubling picture of disenfranchisement.

Helen and Gail

This story is still breaking and there is a lot we still don’t know, but Helen and Gail present what they saw at the meeting last night. To them this was not a democratic process. As usual we see certain candidates being given all the perks and others being obstructed at every turn. Gail was a candidate for chair. Both women attended last night’s meeting and were disturbed by the process. A clerk verified the results were not certified. I invited Michael Sullieman to come on the show to explain his side. He did not answer my email.

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