Aida Touma-Sliman is a Chair of the Knesset's Permanent Committee on the Status of Women and Gender Equality, Former Chief Editor of Al-Itthad, largest Arabic newspaper in Israel and Member of Political Bureau and CC of Communist Party of Israel.

Aida Touma-Sliman is a Chair of the Knesset’s Permanent Committee on the Status of Women and Gender Equality, Former Chief Editor of Al-Itthad, largest Arabic newspaper in Israel and Member of Political Bureau and CC of Communist Party of Israel. On August 20th the US Peace Council, Jewish Voice for Peace, New Jersey Revolution Radio, and many other groups supported her presentation in Montclair NJ.

This speech was part of a week of talks around the country. Aida made 8 stops in 8 days talking to these groups about the recent law passed in Israel which Aida and other critics say creates an Apartheid state in Israel. These critics are serious. Based on the rumor that some Israeli MK’s had spoke with UN officials about this new law Yariv Levin called for legal action against lawmakers.

New Jersey Revolution Radio has supported the end of this occupation from our inception. Your contributions can help us do more for this cause! Please click here to help us fund social revolution in the Garden State!

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