Imagine calling 911 for a serious emergency, only to be told it could be 30, 45... even 60 minutes before help could get to you. There's a significant ambulance workforce shortage here in New England, and around the country, too - but it didn't develop right away. Rich Raymond, CEO of Armstrong Ambulance in Arlington, joins Nichole on the show this week to talk about how it's impacted not just his company, but the industry as a whole, and what needs to be done to turn this trend around. PLUS: Did you know doing your taxes here in Massachusetts could help stop animals around the Bay State from becoming homeless? It's true. The Massachusetts Animal Fund has been working hard for more than a decade to help spay and neuter efforts, and find furry friends a happy and healthy home. Sheri Gustafson from the Fund is on the show to talk about how you can help by simply filling out a line on your tax forms.