Amidst daily revelations about Russia's global web of influence, is there a way to chart a path ahead?

Not since the end of the Cold War has Russia received as much front page media attention as it gets today. Russia has been blamed for several recent global upsets — Trump's election, Le Pen's surge, and Assad's ability to remain in power. At the same time Russian oligarchs have structured a network of financial influence across Europe and into the U.S., Russian media has been charged with turning into an unabashed propaganda mouthpiece.

How should we read Putin's goals? As congressional and FBI investigations into election interference continue, is the Kremlin nervous about what might come out? And ultimately, how long can Putin's power be sustained, among everyday Russians and abroad?

Join New America NYC at the CORE: club for a conversation with leading reporters and editors on this age of Putinism and what its blowback means for the future of Russia's relationship to the world.


Joshua Yaffa @yaffaesque
Contributor, The New Yorker
Fellow, New America


Jo Becker @Jo_Becker
Investigative Reporter, The New York Times
Winner, 2017 Pulitzer Prize for International Reporting

Noah Shachtman @NoahShachtman
Executive Editor, The Daily Beast

Miriam Elder @MiriamElder
World Editor, BuzzFeed News
Former Moscow Correspondent, The Guardian