There are 5000 characters of SEO fulfilling goodness here, apparently, why not use them? Here't the unedited loose show notes we used for tonight:

B - Welcome to Nevermind the RumourMill! The hottest gossip and semi-confirmed news, insights, and opinions podcast show all about crypto, every Monday Wed and Friday! I’m Ben

A - And I’m Anastasia!

B - And whatever brings your here, remember this is infotainment


B - Coming up in under ten mins, I PROMISE UNDER 10 mins today…

1: A lesson on BTC dominance and potential bear-market plays

2: Decentralized GIT AMA, why own chain!? (Best week EVER, for EVER?) Legendary Fline King Memecoin launches

3: Russia to legalise crypto, how will the rest of world react?

4: More What’s going on w/ DO Kwon (?)

5. A new Web3 competitor to MEtamask?!

5: Airdrops, Advice on not getting REKT, Ben’s bad jokes + Moreeeeee!

Anastasia's Big Updates

B - Hey hey, how the devil are you feeling on this Wednesday the 18th of May…

A- ??

B Well, what ya waiting for… you know what we’re herte for…

A -

American digital asset manager Grayscale Investments has announced the launch of the first exchange-traded fund (ETF) in Europe.

Robinhood will develop their own Web3-wallet till the end of the year.

The Nigerian Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has given cryptocurrencies the status of securities.

Sam Bankman-Fried (FTX exchange) agrees that stablecoins need an audit to "protect consumers and bring clarity to the industry"

Ledger is about to launch a browser extension that will allow users to connect their wallets to Web 3 applications.

Dubai Museum of Future NFT metaverse show!

Edmund McCormack - Ed-u-cational shizzle!


Breaking Crypto Gossip (any other stories?)

B - Quick as i can then, cause frankly, im bored of saying the dudes name now, What’s going on DO Kwon…

The collapse of Terra forced the G7 to urgently discuss a new peg of cryptocurrencies. Debate takes place on this earth

Unscheduled inspections of crypto exchanges have begun in South Korea, according to Yonhap. The purpose of which is to protect investors from repeating what happened with TerraUSD (UST) and its managing token LUNA.

NEAR stable coin depges?

TERRALABS legal team resign!?!

UST goes up, wtf!?

Luna community vote against a HARD FORK!!!!

A- And this is huge news I’ve found, the Russian head of Ministry of Industry and Trade announced that they will legalise cryptocurrency.

B - This comes as great to news for those for censorship resistance, but might adversely affect things as the move provokes attempts to censor…

B- Moving away from the heavy stuff, Oh my GOSH have people got questions about… GOSH… And more questions still remain… Well, why not quote Everscale telegram chat community funny man… Rollie… summarizing our friendly neighborhood Mitja…

A - - why separate blockchain?

- because not possible on everscale

- but why separate blockchain?


- will you focus on goshnstead of everscale?

-  Beep!

B - Alrgithy then… I guess we’ll have to watch the AMA ourselves, aye….

AIRDROP Of the Dayyyyy

Little different today.. I want to talk about the potential metamask airdrop, which it seems is still being whispered about on the grapevine

HOWEVER….! (LOUD AND CLEAR, make the listener jump a little!)

Rumours like this are where the scammers and con artists ‘butter their bread’ so DO NOT, under any circumstance, reply to any emails or unofficial correspondence, as it may not ever happen…!