In this episode we talk about:

“The Great Resignation” happening now. Why are workers quitting jobs?What is a sabbatical?What forced Vikram to re-evaluate his life and confront his own mortalityHow do you arrange a sabbatical with your boss?The two things you need to do before you can ask for extended time off“Hunting like a lion” at workManaging your schedule and your energy to do your best creative workHow to play to your strengths and gain leverage in negotiations at workSo you’ve arranged a year off… now what? How should you use that time?A fateful first stop in Dubai, leaning in to serendipity and where it leadsWhat a 10 day Vipassana silent meditation retreat teaches youHow to get out of your head and back into your bodyEastern vs Western views of time. “Transcend and include”Zooming out to see the “upward Spiral Graph”What is Hindu philosophy, once you strip away all the mythology?Mysticism and the power of direct experienceConsensus mechanisms and why crypto gives Vikram hope for humanity

Links to Resources and Other Books Mentioned:

Vikram on TwitterBounce Bhangra WebsiteBounce Bhangra on Instagram
 Confessions of an Economic HitmanVipassanaIdo PortalWim HofMammalian Dive Reflex


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