'He paid the price...and, he paid it...like a man!'

This week Tony is joined again by co-host and comics student Eamonn Clarke. The pair sit down and discuss one of the greatest comics of all time.

Not only do they discuss the content of Fantastic Four #51 but also what was happening at the time at Marvel Comics. There's a wealth of books on Jack and Stan and these two have read all of them, so you'll have to take notes!

This is also Part 1 or a two-part Comics Podcasting Crossover. Make sure that you tune into the next episode of the Mega City Book Club Podcast here and you can find out all about a piece of amazing Kirby art from Fantastic Four #51!! Not to be missed.

You can also follow Eamonn and his investigations into comics on Twitter here.

Many thanks for listening.


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