Deborah Carroll, former educator and educational publisher has written a book on a subject that is not easy for families to discuss.  The subject is death of aging parents.  Her book, Tales from the Family Crypt:  When Aging Parents Die, Sibling Rivalry Lives is a must read!

There is nothing that can tear families apart faster or uglier than estate issues.

In many families there are difficult, dysfunctional and even despicable siblings who want to grab money and power at a time when they should be communicating and pulling together as a unit.

Deborah shares how her siblings would stop at nothing, even if it meant breaking the law, to take advantage of the dying parents.  We can't predict how our siblings will react when the time comes.  Deborah's book offers suggestions and tips to communicate long before the funeral, as disputes over eldercare and inheritances can be astronomically distressing. 

Tales from the Family Crypt:  When Aging Parents Die, Sibling Rivalry Lives  is available on Amazon by clicking here. 

Deborah has written two other books including Raising Amazing Children, A practical guide to parenting.         

And another MUST READ:  Real Grands:  From A to Z, Everything a Grandparent Can Be.  This book is for Boomers to give to their grand children as it depicts what "real" grandparents look like.  Most books show them as white haired, hunched over "old" people using a cane to get around while baking cookies all day. Guaranteed to be an enjoyable read with your grand kids. 


Listen to her funny and......not so funny interview dealing with a subject we tend to shy away from but need to be informed