Stress is everywhere and in everything we do. Dr. Pete Alexander gives us some fast, effective tools to help deal with stress in all phases of our lives.

Professor Pete Alexander is a results-based coach helping hard-driving leaders overcome their self-imposed barriers to success in business and life.

A recovering, hard-driving leader with over 30 years of sales, marketing, and entrepreneurial experience, Pete successfully battled the negative effects of stress head-on and developed the LIGHTEN™ stress relief model that motivates his peers to take action in only a few minutes per day. 

Livelihood Imagination Genius (unconscious mind) Health Time - take action Environment Network of relationships

Dr. Pete is no stranger to stress: Growing up in an alcoholic and dysfunctional home he learned coping skills no child should need to know. At 13 he was seduced by a 46-year-old friend of his mother. At 14 he tried committing suicide with the encouragement of his mom and stepfather.

At 23 he found his stepfather’s body after he committed suicide.

In 2008 he had a perfect storm of stressful activities that resulted in the diagnosis of stress-induced diabetes. In 2018 he was admitted to ER with a severe case of diabetic ketoacidosis. This was the turning point in his life. He learned the KEY to stress management:

Get a handle on stress before it does permanent damage

Stress is everywhere and in everything we do. Dr. Pete Alexander gives us some fast, effective tools to help deal with stress in all phases of our lives.

Professor Pete Alexander is a results-based coach helping hard-driving leaders overcome their self-imposed barriers to success in business and life.

A recovering, hard-driving leader with over 30 years of sales, marketing, and entrepreneurial experience, Pete successfully battled the negative effects of stress head-on and developed the LIGHTEN™ stress relief model that motivates his peers to take action in only a few minutes per day. 

Livelihood Imagination Genius (unconscious mind) Health Time - take action Environment Network of relationships

Dr. Pete is no stranger to stress: Growing up in an alcoholic and dysfunctional home he learned coping skills no child should need to know. At 13 he was seduced by a 46-year-old friend of his mother. At 14 he tried committing suicide with the encouragement of his mom and stepfather.

At 23 he found his stepfather’s body after he committed suicide.

In 2008 he had a perfect storm of stressful activities that resulted in the diagnosis of stress-induced diabetes. In 2018 he was admitted to ER with a severe case of diabetic ketoacidosis. This was the turning point in his life. He learned the KEY to stress management:

Get a handle on stress before it does permanent damage