Finally diagnosed with Multiple Personality Disorder after a lifetime of mystery about who she was and why she was suffering, Irene McKain's memoir follows her path from the frightening abuse of her childhood to the exhilarating light of healing and transformation.

Irene had 15 different personalities. Each one distinct and separate from another. This is not a subject we hear much about, but those who have lived through the pain of not knowing who they is very real!

Through the publication of I Was More Than One, Irene shares the fact that mental illness is indeed an illness, not some crazy condition. It is treatable, and people who suffer from such an illness can lead normal lives. Her book is raw, honest, and a beautiful account of hurt turned into healing.

Irene's interview will answer your questions surrounding multiple personalities.


There is hope.....there is always hope -- no matter how dire the situation


Finally diagnosed with Multiple Personality Disorder after a lifetime of mystery about who she was and why she was suffering, Irene McKain's memoir follows her path from the frightening abuse of her childhood to the exhilarating light of healing and transformation.

Irene had 15 different personalities. Each one distinct and separate from another. This is not a subject we hear much about, but those who have lived through the pain of not knowing who they is very real!

Through the publication of I Was More Than One, Irene shares the fact that mental illness is indeed an illness, not some crazy condition. It is treatable, and people who suffer from such an illness can lead normal lives. Her book is raw, honest, and a beautiful account of hurt turned into healing.

Irene's interview will answer your questions surrounding multiple personalities.


There is hope.....there is always hope -- no matter how dire the situation